van Leeuwen |
Chief earth, 2009 Natural matter and forces on canvas
60x60 cm. euro 1250 2.Big
chief water, 2009 Natural matter and forces on canvas 60x60 cm. euro
1250 3.Big Chief air,
2009 Natural matter and forces on canvas 60x60 cm. euro 1250
4.Big Chief fire, 2009
Natural matter and forces on canvas 60x60 cm. euro 1250 5.The
firefetus, 2009 Natural matter and forces on canvas 60x60 cm. euro
1250 6.A growing blue
prayer, 2009 Natural matter and forces on canvas 60x60 cm. euro
1250 |
6 works from the series “Big Chief is lief” which is a tribute to all
people to whom vital contact with nature is business as usual.
I call my works Primal landscapes.
Although at first my work look like paintings, it has not much to do
with traditional painting. In the course of time, I developed a
technique where the connection with the earth plays a major role.
In my work paint is replaced by natural matter like sand, clay, fibres,
wood and stone bonded by casein. The brush is replaced by my hands and
natural forces. The elements earth, water, fire and air can manifest
themselves literal.
The forming of the Primal landscapes is an organic process which
already starts in the frame. Before assembling as a frame, the wood is
split and worked until the woods own shape comes forward.
I call this process “liberating the tree from the wood.”
The canvas that is applied is not just a bearer, but a full
participant in the developing process. The whole process is intuitive
in which I look for collaboration with the matter.
The properties of the matter are cherished and emphasized. For example
clay, when water extracts from clay, it cracks. We can see this
process at the riverbanks every summer. The same can be seen in my
Sustainability of the result is always guarded so the Primal
landscapes can easily withstand the ravages of time.
Rob van Leeuwen