Henrik Brøndsted ● |
Woman and the Tree, Photo sepia tint 40x60 cm, Euro 630
2.La Siréne, Photo
sepia tint 40x60 cm, Euro 630
3.ln her Mind, ,
Photo sepia tint 80x66 cm, Euro 630
4.The Dance, Photo
sepia tint 30x30 cm, Euro 400
5.Infinity, Photo
sepia tint 35x50 cm, Euro 600
River, Photo sepia tint 45x60 cm, Euro 625
Fée et le Fleuve, Photo sepia tint 40x60 cm, Euro 630
8.le Réve, Photo
sepia tint 50x65 cm, Euro 650
Photo sepia tint 70x50 cm, Euro 650
10.les Yeux
d'Elle, Photo sepia tint 50x50 cm, Euro 500
silencieux, Photo sepia tint 50x50 cm, Euro 500
12.The Woman and
the Tree, Photo sepia tint 40x60 cm, Euro 630 |
Commissions Portraits of tv-hostes at Danish Television News
Department. Coverphotos for danish musicians. Posters for danish,
british and french artists and lots of portraits of known and
unknown people.
Competitions, exhibitions , books
2018 Art Nordic, Copenhagen Gallery Rossocinabro, Rome Parallax Art
Fair, London First Berliner Art Book.
2017 Trienberg Super Circuit Mini Print of Cadaques, in Barcelone,
Spain, Bages, France, Wingfield, England Festival in Sigean, France
The First Berliner Art Book Art International Contemporary Magazine,
2016 State of the Art volume IV, Galeria Aberta, Portugal The First
Berliner Art Book Three exhibitions in Sigean France.
2015 "Flou, le temps d'un Geste", Sigean, France 14 Special Themes
Circuit, Austria State of the Art volume III, Galeria Aberta,
2014 State of the Art volume II Galeria Aberta, Portugal Al-Thani
Award 2014 "Brume et Brouillard" Sigean, France Mini Print of
Cadaques in Barcelone, Spain, Bages France Wingfield, England
Copenhagen Photo Festival "Mist and Machinery" Trienberg Special
Themes Circuit, Austria and Photo Art Championship, Austrian Super
Circuit Gold medal for best black and white portrait.