MARKET | online market art fair |
Here sketchy buildings were clustered at the center of the canvas and bracketed between vigorous strokes of red blue yellow and black laid down with a broad brush. These roughly curving strokes extended to the edges of the canvas which jutted out like wings at the top of the composition giving the large painting a buoyant feeling as if it were about to take flight. The feathery quality of the brushwork further enhanced the wing-like effect although Aksoy obviously makes no attempt at surreal symbolism and would seemingly prefer for us to view his paintings for the formal rather than their allusive qualities
Yet like Elizabeth Murray another artist who employs shaped supports
consistently and effectively Aksoy’s work invariably suggests imagery above
and beyond the abstract qualities that lend his paintings their main thrust.
Indeed these suggestive bit of imagery imbuc his paintings with a unique
evocativeness which adds considerably to their appeal. That said we can do
nought but marvel at the skill with which Ali Aksoy dissects space and
animates the picture plane with bold swerving lines often in black overlaid
with tones of red blue or yellow that convey a spiritual kinship with
Mondrian’s palette of brilliant primaries. Chris Weller |