Dan McCormack
13 Beehive Rd.
Accord, NY 12404
Currently head the Photography program
at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York, teaching photography
I use the extreme wide angle distortions of the round oatmeal box
pinhole camera and the digital colorization to create a series of
visceral images. Through successive pulling of curves in Photoshop,
B&W values are replaced with color. The “Nude at Home” is a subset
of a larger pinhole camera project begun in 1998. In this series,
begun about three years ago, I photograph the model nude in her home,
apartment or studio. With the model in her space, all the objects in
the image are a part of the life of the model. Then the pose, the
furniture and the long, two minute exposures reveal an intimate
portrait of the subject.
I began studying Photography around
1962 at the Institute of Design in Chicago. My studies with Aaron
Siskind, Joe Jachna, Arthur Siegal and Wynn Bullock gave me first
hand experience with truly creative photographers.
At the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1967, I began
photographing the nude with Wendy, my wife, and I began making
multiple image prints. Then for over forty years I explored various
techniques and processes while photographing the nude as a central
In 1998 I began to work with pinhole photography. I use an oatmeal
box pinhole camera to make 8x10 inch B&W negatives. With its extreme
wide angle and distortion, the camera gives me results that are
constantly a surprise. I develop the B&W negatives, scan them into
Photoshop, and then colorize the image by pulling curves in each of
the channels. I make an images rooted in 16th Century pinhole optics
juxtaposed with 21st Century digital print manipulations. These
newest photographs of mine are a hybrid of Photography and Digital
In 2009, I won the Ultimate Eye Foundation’s grant for Figurative
Photography and had my work featured in an exhibition at the
Peninsula Museum of Art in Belmont, CA. |