Aktrice |
a victory over death, hell and sin....", detail, 2007 Painted in oil
on wooden ground with a special technique which the old
were using already including pieces of Egyptain marble 62x100 cm. euro
2.".....and He was touching his hand....",
detail, 2007 Painted in oil on wooden ground with a special technique
which the old were using already including pieces of Egyptain marble
62x100 cm. euro 4400 3.".....and
He was touching his hand....", detail, 2007 Painted in oil on wooden
ground with a special technique which the old were using already
including pieces of Egyptain marble 62x100 cm. euro 4400
He was touching his hand....", detail, 2007 Painted in oil on wooden
ground with a special technique which the old were using already
including pieces of Egyptain marble 62x100 cm. euro 4400
5."....also God was crying - a tear...", detail,
2007 Painted in oil on wooden ground with a special technique
which the old were using already including pieces of Egyptain marble
62x100 cm. euro 4400
is done" "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." Jesus bends his
head and breathes his last, detail, 2005 - 2006 Master craftsmenship
in mixed media technique on wood in combination and incorporation with
antic wood, stones and hand-wrought nails approx. 118x179 cm. euro
18.000 This painting was exhibited from June till October 2006 in the
H.R.Giger Museum in Switzerland, where we had an exhibition together
with the Society for Art of Imagination