Michael Beck |
Ovation, 2006 oil on canvas 22x29 in. US$ 5000
Load, 2006 oil on canvas, 13.5x22.5in. US$ 3400
View, 2005 oil on canvas 42x52 in. US$ 14,500
Squirt, 2006 oil on canvas 22x16 in. US$ 4000
5.Hanging Out, 2005 oil on canvas 43x64 in. US$ 16,500
6.Mother's Gone Missing, 2005 oil on canvas 48x72 in. US$
19,500 |
My work explores
the boundaries of what is an acceptable object in a fine art painting.
Most still life paintings are filled with objects that have already
been assigned an aesthetic value. They are objects most of us would be
proud to own. The objects I choose are ordinary, out of use, out-dated
remnants of our culture. I like to think of them as archaeological
finds. Their oddness is meant to create a sense of confusion or
question. A person finding a never-before-seen object on an
archaeological dig might feel that same sensation. Each object is
presented straight on, forcing the viewer to consider it alone.
Isolated in the painting, the objects have no other reference but
themselves. And yet they can conjure up references beyond their own
experience. They invite flights of fantasy, stories designed by the
individual viewer. These stories are the biographies that I try to
elicit from the viewer, hoping they gain a new insight about what an
object is, or how it can been see. Although it is not particularly
evident in the photographs, the boundary between the real world and
reality of the painting has been obliterated and the viewer often
feels dizzy and about to fall into the work. |