Kellianne O’Brien
1309 Nevada Rd.
Madison, Wisconsin USA
+1 608 241 9280
Kellianne O’Brien
is living and working in
Madison, Wisconsin USA |
Acrylic on canvas, oil on canvas and stone sculpture. |
My relationship to Art is spontaneous and intuitive. Each painting
is created by smoothing colors on the canvas, without sketching or
drawing an idea first. When I paint, I work directly with the colors
themselves to create expressions of emotion and the Passion of
Light. My art attempts to capture momentary experiences of
Rapture--a state of being in complete union with the Source. I call
this rapturous experience, Mergence. Mergence is what facilitates
being able to see, as I paint, the gradual development of harmony
and balance with color. In my work with sculpture, Mergence allows
me to feel the becoming of a subject and gradually see its unveiling.
For me, Art is immediate, passionate and ecstatic. I work with the
Inner Light, the source of my connection with divinity. Meditation
helps me to merge with the Source, and provides me the freedom
necessary to work in an intuitive, spontaneous way. My sessions are
intense experiences of Rapture, the results of which are always
unpredictable creative emergences. |
Kellianne O’Brien has exhibited in St. Thomas Virgin Islands,
Barcelona, Majorca, Crete, Montreal and Rome. She will be exhibiting
at the Assunta Fox Gallery in Santa Ana, California in 2005
'The Best in Art and Culture', online global art annual exhibition
30.11.05 - 30.11.06
worldofartmagazine.com |
The World of Art Award for the Best Practices in Art and Culture |
and Culture', art book edited and published by WoA Publishing
Famous Contemporary Artists', art book edited and published by WoA
Publishing |